Your City Council was illogical. Remarkably so, even for people
caught up in political thinking. But
what’s more, they were defensive, angry and whiney…
it was as if they’d all caught Randy Leonard disease. All but one, that
is. Commissioner Amanda Fritz stood by a logical, compelling argument on
behalf of the community; a community which has united around this new proposal as never
before in the LT2 debacle. We should visit her campaign office this
week and find a way to thank her. (I just looked, it's in my hood.)
Dan Saltzman just kept showing signs of
post-traumatic-stress-syndrome from his tenure as Water Bureau head. He
refused to believe that our supporters actually support this new
option. He was afraid they would all eventually come to their senses, for they
must have been fooled, or knocked unconscious because that’s the only
explanation for us actually uniting under one plan, and that when they did
come to their senses they’d rise up and... bother him. Nick and Dan alike seemed as much as anything, like they just want to bury
these damned reservoirs so they can stop being bothered by The People.
After all, this isn’t even supposed to be their problem because this isn’t
their bureau. (Never mind it’s our water supply.) IF they took this new
proposal, wouldn’t they be at risk of having even more meetings about these
blasted things when the covers have to go through Land Use Review? Nick
recounted all the ways citizens can participate in the land use process
(actually, he implied they could hijack the process – how is that for revealing
your feelings about public process?) and how citizens could have a role in this
discussion for years to come and man that would just be hell on wheels.
They didn't want to do something the community might not like, so
instead they'll barrel ahead with something they KNOW the community doesn’t
like. And the logic? After weeks of real community organizing, of
consensus building conversations moving out in concentric circles, further and
further into the community, our coalition has won an impressive list of
supporters all wanting the same thing. If we can so effectively unite
behind this compromise and serve our support up in one straightforward letter
and still not influence our Electeds, then all I can guess is that these men don’t
believe in you, or me, or our rights to participate in government.