Thursday, June 12, 2014

Debrief - June 11 public meeting on reservoirs

You can watch the two-hour meeting here:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Notice - Development at 5817 SE Stark St.

One lot at the location of 5817 SE Stark Street is planned for development. The development will divide the lot into three lots, each with a new house and each house with its own ADU.  One narrow street will provide access from SE Stark.

The developers will present their plan at the June 18, MTNA neighborhood meeting (as always, 7:00 pm in the basement dining hall of the Presbyterian Church at the corner of SE 55th and SE Belmont). Immediate neighbors and other interested parties should attend that meeting to learn and ask questions.

A visit to, and a search for the site address will give you lots of great info. The architect/developer sent us a two-page marketing document that includes visuals.  Click here for that.

UPDATE October 2014
NOTICE - the official notice for this development is now available here:

Comments due by 5pm on Nov 14, 2014.  Direct comments to the assigned planner: Shawn Burgett,  503-823-7618;