Thursday, October 16, 2014

Development - 5711 E Burnside

Town homes are planned for the redevelopment of this site which currently hosts a commercial building.  This plan requires a land division.  When plans are available, I will post them here. MTNA has not received any notice from the city about this project, the developer contacted us directly to offer information.  The contact came from:

Carrie Strickland 
works partnership architecture LLC

Development - 5000 SE Lincoln

A newly formed company called Lincoln Town Homes, LLC, has purchased the red brick church and lot at the SE corner of 50th and SE Lincoln and they intend to develop multi-unit housing.  MTNA has not yet received official notice of any development on this property, the developer himself contacted us to offer information.  This developer will present at the November MTNA meeting (Wednesday, November 19, at 7 pm, in the basement of the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church at the corner of SE Belmont and SE 55th).

Here are the available plans, shared with MTNA by the developer:
Site Plan

Floor Plan for the units:

Elevation Plan

The contact came from:
Robert Platt and Gary Had

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tabor Disconnect - New timeline and documents

Portland Water Bureau (PWB) filed the new construction plan documents and land-use review application with the Bureau of Development Services (BDS).

The LUR case file number is: LU 14-218444 HR EN

PWB is making the guts of the application available here:


The "Request for Response" will be posted here: expected Oct 24th, actually arrived Nov 13  

The official NOTICE will be posted here:

You can see a summary of what the neighborhood Community Advisory Committee requested here:


on-the-record, public comment window - Oct. 29 - Dec. 1
Best date to have your comments turned in by: Nov 20
Public hearing with the Historic Landmarks Commission - Dec 1 at 1:30 pm; location -1900 SW 4th Ave, Room 2500A


Send your comments to these two planners at BDS:
Hillary Adam, 503-823-3581,  – Historic Resources Review

Stacey Castleberry, 503-823-7586,  – Environmental Review

Those two BDS planners will summarize the content of all comments for a "staff summary" which will be given to the Historic Landmarks Commission on Nov 21 (10 days before the hearing).  Your comments need to be to the BDS planners before they write their summary, or your content won't be included.